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Dating Tips: How To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Desire You Again

How To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Desire You Again

Believe it or not, getting your ex to desire you requires no actual interaction between the two of you. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

I’m going to explain to you how to make this breakup not only work out in your favor, but make getting back together be the easiest decision your ex has ever made.

Well I have to tell you something, and you aren’t going to believe it.

The absolute worst thing you can do if you’re trying to get your Ex back after a breakup is smother him with affection and attention. In fact, you should do the exact opposite.

Let me put it this way…

Have you ever broken up with someone in the past?

If not, have you ever had a fight with a friend ?

If you answered no to both of those questions, let’s consider something everyone has definitely dealt with, having a disagreement with your parent’s.

I think it’s safe to say EVERYONE has had a disagreement with their parents at some point.

Let’s keep it simple in this scenario. Let’s say you wanted to do something…

and your mom said you couldn’t.

Now, that would be aggravating. right?

This happened to me quite a bit, but over time I realized something. If I continued to bother my mom to let me do whatever it was I wanted to do, not only would the answer still be no, I would get myself in even more trouble.

Maybe you were an angel as a kid and this is completely foreign to you. But for most people this is a pretty common issue.

Pressing them to make a decision or change their mind tends to make it much… much bigger of a problem than it has to be.

The same can be said for fights with friends and issues between in relationships.

Why is it so difficult though?

The answer is simple. Patience is not a common attribute. It’s something you have to work at and we want results RIGHT NOW, not later.

If you’ve been in any of these situations, you know that pushing won’t get you anywhere but somewhere you don’t want to be.

So, what do you do?

No Contact

Well, first you need to start No Contact.

No contact is a cooling of period of sorts. It gives you time, not only to level out your emotions, but to get the other aspects of your life leveled out as well.

Set Yourself up for Success

In order to set yourself up for success, you need to remove the things that feed into that temptation. The’yll only derail you.

That would mean removing his posts from your social media feeds… ALL OF THEM. You don’t have to delete him, just hide his posts by:

Unfollowing him on Facebook.

Muting Him on Twitter.

Blocking him on Instagram and Snapchat.

Almost every form of social media has made it possible to hide his posts without deleting him all together.

Remove anything that might be an obstacle, anything that might hinder you in this challenge, because it WILL be a challenge.

Be Mindful of Him

It’s easy to have a bit of tunnel vision after a breakup. Your emotions are all over the place and you aren’t sure where to go from here. Every part of your brain is screaming at you to do a million different things and you’re tempted to go running back to what is familiar even if you know that space is necessary.

Take a moment an clear your mind of everything and put yourself in your ex’s shoes. Whether he chose it, or not, he in an unfamiliar situation just like you. Even if he did do the breaking up, eventually it will hit him that you aren’t there and he’ll realize he misses that.

Make Improvements

During No Contact, you aren’t supposed to just sit and stare at the time on your phone counting down the days till you are allowed to text him again. That would be pointless. There is no resolution on your end that way. If the two of you reconcile with no improvement on either side, statistically speaking you are likely to end up right where you did last time… breaking up, possibly permanently.

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